No posts with label In 1967, the California Supreme Court ruled that a city couldn't prohibit nondisruptive political activity inside a railroad station. That was before cellular phones were invented and before the first BART train rolled down the tracks. But it's a precedent the transit agency may have to confront as it defends its decision to cut off cell service at the site of an expected trackside protest last Thursday, and its long-standing ban on. Show all posts
No posts with label In 1967, the California Supreme Court ruled that a city couldn't prohibit nondisruptive political activity inside a railroad station. That was before cellular phones were invented and before the first BART train rolled down the tracks. But it's a precedent the transit agency may have to confront as it defends its decision to cut off cell service at the site of an expected trackside protest last Thursday, and its long-standing ban on. Show all posts